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Let to Buy

If you’re looking to move into a new property but can’t sell your current home, let-to-buy is an option that you could consider.

Large Mortgages

Large mortgages are fairly self-explanatory. They are typically for clients who want a mortgage, or to remortgage their property, at a value of over £750,000.

Maternity income mortgages

If you receiving maternity income, you may be relying on a lender accepting this stream of income on the mortgage application, as part of their income assessment.

Bonus Income Mortgage

Bonus incomes are part of many jobs nowadays, and you may be relying on it to put towards your new home.

Buy to Let changes

As a result of the new tax changes brought in in May 2017, many lenders’ buy-to-let (BTL) subsidiaries have changed their policies when it comes to lending to landlords.

Remortgaging with Police Mortgages

If you are nearing the end of your current fixed rate deal, now would be the perfect time to speak to Police Mortgages.

Police Federation Mortgage

Police Mortgages is a dedicated mortgage advice specialist service providing help and guidance for those working within the Police federation looking to get a mortgage.

Moving Home?

Time for a change..

Police Mortgages feedback

At Police Mortgages, the team of advisors are dedicated to find you the best possible mortgage.

Mortgages for Dog Handlers

When it comes to finding a mortgage we know how stressful it can be to find the right deal for yourself, especially when you haven’t got much time to search around for yourself due to working.